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Challenging America year prediction
2021-12-15 15:15:21.623975 UTC
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ssh://gitolite@gonito.net/filipg/challenging-america-year-prediction / branch roberta-challam-1-16
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file basename
Parameter Value
batch-size 96
epochs 5

test-A / 62244bd829515508f17201ffd83c05934cfff1a7
Metric Score
RMSE 11.67

dev-0 / 046da330e60090e96eff206726589543f3631b1e
Metric Score
RMSE 12.64

worst items

note: the gold standard is taken from the submission itself, not from the challenge data!
# input expected output actual output test-A RMSE
1 2b9fff0a26fbe684217136797823cf82 Ths Vice president In hi* address, complains of plots\nand conspiracies directed againat him. The Telegraph… 1831.6999999682903 1911.7916116632534 80.09
2 555f1eca804b4a86330ef0799f2e6786 of man, the tights of things, were dl-cussed, devi-ed,\nadvocated anil compromised. Mountains were seized\n… 1830.1082191463724 1894.3284799742078 64.22
3 2734ae0623f4eb10b834903a9f0a6dfd 30. Trout Frrdri iik'hnig by Spoiisvtvapix Cnmtliniiyr,\nWallersvillr, Cartetsvillr, Cumberland Count.note,… 1819.664383529934 1875.3596927312663 55.70
4 bd06f36484fb435c82af40d2cc0b39ed " M.lam V’(.elite, John M’Grhee, Augustine M’Gehee,\nill liisun n right and as surviving n’vi of John Ari.r… 1819.6260273655505 1873.6136311775724 53.99
5 558111b246c12be55f0b43b40e1afb9a sisters in one ifrave Ind; Maberry Splawn May\nFrancis Robinson Wisconsin May 31 2:*;\nMary E Fenler Mnv31;… 1852.9166666350436 1904.9646101543055 52.05
6 00ce440c770bbfddec7ec55fe1400cb8 garments, but the thrifty housewife garnishing those delicious berries\nwith spice and sweets, sets her dai… 1920.3346994219287 1868.9943607313699 51.34
7 0b370ee1579fe0195a2b8f82f7362b66 xvliolc crBBP^ocs not exceed 500 lbs., you may\nsafelv c lculatc on 5 to 600 lbs. as the general aver-\nage… 1825.37397257103 1876.2746347084144 50.90
8 ae8b15df814fb9a83a3715d4cbb09ce3 confutation, and would be a d rollg re-\nfource in any event, yet the circumltances\nof our national affair… 1800.042465721715 1850.903069201858 50.86
9 e64a7f9dd22f3ce311ea8a75a6b84996 The memorandum from the Department of State ap-\npended to the document setting forth these claims,\nstates… 1830.8945205162354 1880.7018339434421 49.81
10 261b1b0d11caa5cba469cf32219d90eb children and heirs of Richard W. Byrd, dec. Charles\nW. Byrd, Addison Byrd, Richard Cwke and Mary W||.\nlin… 1821.319178050482 1870.1380702714102 48.82
11 d9bc96641fa83cddc9aae7009c734da5 employment which it would not natu\nrally seek, is to divert a portion o' the na-\ntional capital amt labor… 1820.3237704601802 1869.1410918682927 48.82
12 934a1a06e544413977e623ee2a1e601a But Maine is the place were 1 ought to go\nfor punishment—that is the place where I\nam guilty. But here I … 1838.9684931189752 1887.776735638563 48.81
13 15899a692a0d1e4656a8ef66834109f0 crowning virtue, the diadem; it is the\napex of the pyramid, the keystone of\nthe arch of virtue. Without i… 1922.8013698313039 1874.4788668165174 48.32
14 6828d35858885cd2c3487c0b25e648e0 Leave t irderickibtirg every Tuesday at 2 P. M . and\narriveat chat latte C. H . the next ITiUayhy fi p. M … 1819.595890379249 1867.739585277123 48.14
15 039b2e61ce0888ca53919da9a0e53a3f -iirvi-v No. 3696, on Hoke* rreek, Union county ; 560 acres j\nof survey No. 3155 on Heaver run of Darby’s … 1823.678082160071 1871.6979711045662 48.02
16 00988105e1e470cbb6c82bd3e1707f9e William M’Gehec, John M’tichee, Augustine M’Geher\nin Lisown light and as tuivivnig ex’or ol John M’uef.te\… 1819.6534246258245 1867.347988137451 47.69
17 8f66a2f6e628b2fa7a3264592f8956e0 of the court-house, on some court (lay.—\nA majority ol the whole number of com-\nmissioners shall he, at a… 1818.1493150367833 1865.734054171193 47.58
18 85fa61f39a493f7b629c4a6fabec14be upon die lal*ie Hie following resolutions:\nKesnlretl, That the practice ol Duelling ism.\n| hitman, luiino… 1820.2964480558085 1867.723595377161 47.43
19 5c17629c5ea243b6de1c15f39ce6d7dc missioners hereinafter named, shall approve\nand decide upon; one tenth rlw.ieofat the\ntime, of subscribin… 1816.9986338481583 1863.502893292058 46.50
20 221697b7d728727d7a6287f6a82c8f2d The excavations are more extensive than I\nsupposed, and the effect of the clear light of the\nsun and the … 1843.6452054477422 1890.0522449320017 46.41
21 2b56ca6fc3d84b1eb56d785f71daa34a rnconttnend to the assembly, and to declare\nth.it it is founded on previously exposudeirors\nand in direct… 1818.1356164066465 1864.5032314982839 46.37
22 6924f455f9141527f9dc23facb85ecae t planted ihe seed of the several crops in rows three\nfeet apart, taking care at the lime i„ give each n„ … 1821.1767122970573 1867.4656305825579 46.29
23 d311c80529e2b39c024e534ca2ed27b6 braces neatly 00.000 square miles, and is,\nof course almost equal in size to some of\nonr large stales. Ne… 1820.8784152689234 1866.485391991403 45.61
24 8b108092b653fafbd7bc7b5691df1362 wht'fe, why are we to be prevented from\ntrading where we please on your account ?\nWiiy must tve lie compe… 1824.78551909406 1869.8960953767692 45.11
25 c4a2ecfe655cc1c48a4a7470549be0de llis destruution was owing entirely to this\nsy stem of preference ; for had he but got\nIt fair proportion… 1818.1767122970573 1862.6280716069464 44.45
26 3743ab436a460edb1d3e3e1b0821906e 1 hesc are portenlous times for the Routh-\nertiand western stales. Under the pretext of\nhumanity, the eas… 1820.0915300230217 1864.2534269303198 44.16
27 d21602702ab18bc7dedb409c9b7c9d74 i he House oi Delegates are proceed-\ning on tlie Revised Hills. Several were\nreported by the Select Commi… 1818.0342465436327 1861.9979284465835 43.96
28 9408f19e56083bd52fc3d3ef1a55718b reply to the various arguments that\nwere urged on a previous day. One il-\nlustration was peculiarly happy… 1820.0778688208359 1863.5991731124088 43.52
29 baf6cd7127b1507277bee24f17c4b93f I crgues, for that of tlie Aveyron ; youiu\n! Bartkelcmy, for that of the mouths of the\nRhone ; General Du… 1815.7383561326737 1858.7391315776713 43.00
30 6d3b2bd007c42727d028cb5b93286906 yiiii.' UH terms j twenty shillings <in img being,\nin lact.a pound irey of standard nlver. Chuire\nfollowe… 1820.219945323568 1863.1272416496636 42.91
31 85ccfd4a04e02ec13db7befe05b16654 this subject yon will find lime will oring out\nmine important secrets. On the hirth-day of\nthe F.uipeiOro… 1818.9356164066464 1861.8386757527019 42.90
32 607b99895f3593172d93044ff219c248 The power to regulate commerce a-\nmongthe several stales," cannot include\na power lo construct roads and … 1817.1904109271943 1860.0698652237768 42.88
33 a97014c78546a5b81e0cc04dd4346dcb Baltimore. March 1. — Th is distinguished\nofficer arrived here in the Steam lioai Hliila\ndcipliia eatly o… 1819.1767122970573 1861.8003611698248 42.62
34 29c3fe7f0c8cc88ffff51158cf21d701 It i< a source ot great satisfaction, that by a\nwi>-> and indexible adherence to a moderate yet\nefficient… 1844.941256798978 1887.40504570233 42.46
35 bac0b6b3d1844a1330cf11a9293c4b78 Liverpool, May 31.—The debate in\na committee ol tin.' whole House ol Com\n(nous, on Mr. Peel's motion, occ… 1819.5383561326737 1861.9458243634308 42.41
36 db5586010c95c43576f8069c26c95600 to ihe tile lime of tier husband, alter said Hubert’s death,\nand l\\ illiaui k. Winston and AlaryS. Winsto… 1819.760273940893 1862.163131100155 42.40
37 a58849b7b72181d551ab99f82307f439 tled an act for surveying the lands given\nby law to the officers and soldiers on con-\ntinental and state … 1818.160273940893 1860.5280614561937 42.37
38 0be61d57b7d8146abd8a3f25c28ec66e charged v\\i111 a criminal oft. nee, s!u»d tint\nI;- ' entitled io any cnmpeu-'a!ion lo: their\nservices; b… 1819.1849314751396 1861.2924832673627 42.11
39 1fd4ce3e41b2a0429925935aa17d3000 There is another, mid yet a more im-\nporlant view ol this question. Suppose\nine condition is prescribed, … 1820.0150272907813 1862.0501460032626 42.04
40 12ea4cb698b1f421c10f62cd03fc5fd4 Hwittipy Hie shuck'of itu eartbqn.tke which was felt in\n■ lie evening anil by a tenhle t> nipt:!, su that … 1821.1493150367833 1863.0636668730795 41.91

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