PolEval 2018 NER task

Determine nested Named Entities in NKJP-compatible way, that is provide a series of labels with corresponding token indexes. [ver. 1.0.0]

# submitter when ver. description dev-0 MultiLabel-F1.0 test-A MultiLabel-F1.0 test-B MultiLabel-F1.0
2 [anonymized] 2018-09-18 18:47 1.0.0 LM-LSTM-CRF, as used by Borchmann, Gretkowski and Graliński. python neural-network lm lstm 0.81687 0.86979 0.81112
3 [anonymized] 2018-09-18 14:02 1.0.0 Baseline SEARN-based solution, as used by Borchmann, Gretkowski and Graliński. vowpal-wabbit feature-engineering n-grams lemmatization knowledge-based char-n-grams 0.78564 0.82062 0.79223
1 [anonymized] 2018-09-17 17:53 1.0.0 Parallel LSTM-CRFs, as used by Borchmann, Gretkowski and Graliński (GloVe and Contextual String Embeddigns, Flair framework). python neural-network lm lstm 0.89654 0.88284 0.84508