Wiki Historian En

Guess the masked date in an wikipedia article. [ver. 1.0.0]

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kubapok   2023-06-01 11:13
submitted a solution:test
Jakub Pokrywka   2023-02-15 16:17
submitted a solution:test3
Jakub Pokrywka   2023-02-15 16:16
submitted a solution:test2
kubapok   2023-02-06 12:54
submitted a solution:test
kubapok   2022-07-20 19:59
submitted a solution:hf roberta large
kubapok   2022-07-18 20:33
submitted a solution:hf linear layer, regular roberta finetunned firstly on roberta challam year prediction, then on wiki historian
kubapok   2022-07-18 20:22
submitted a solution:hf linear layer, roberta challam finetunned firstly on roberta challam year prediction, then on wiki historian
kubapok   2022-07-14 19:18
submitted a solution:hf challam roberta regression layer on top
kubapok   2022-07-11 16:37
submitted a solution:hf roberta large epoch 4 (epochs 5 and 6 with no progress)
kubapok   2022-07-04 18:33
submitted a solution:hf roberta base regression layer on top
kubapok   2022-07-03 16:51
submitted a solution:tfidf with linear regression
kaczla   2022-05-22 20:00
submitted a solution:MLM - prediction with loss of all available dates
kaczla   2022-05-22 19:46
submitted a solution:MLM - prediction only 1 token
kubapok   2022-02-12 18:48
submitted a solution:mean from train