Passage Retrieval

Passage Retrieval is a crucial part of modern open-domain question-answering systems that rely on precise and efficient retrieval components to find passages containing correct answers. [ver. 1.0.0]

Git repo URL: / Branch: main
Run git clone --single-branch -b main to get the challenge data
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# submitter when ver. description test-A NDCG@100 test-A NDCG@10 test-A-allegro NDCG@100 test-A-allegro NDCG@10 test-A-legal NDCG@100 test-A-legal NDCG@10 test-A-wiki NDCG@100 test-A-wiki NDCG@10 test-B NDCG@100 test-B NDCG@10 test-B-allegro NDCG@100 test-B-allegro NDCG@10 test-B-legal NDCG@100 test-B-legal NDCG@10 test-B-wiki NDCG@100 test-B-wiki NDCG@10 ×
1 s478846 2023-10-11 07:38 1.0.0 fastbm25-all-data-stemmed stemming 58.77 54.31 63.08 59.46 82.29 79.61 30.93 23.88 49.63 44.16 61.14 57.38 82.98 80.52 31.26 23.76 10
2 s478846 2023-10-11 07:31 1.0.0 fastbm25-test-A-test-B-with-stemming 58.77 54.31 63.08 59.46 82.29 79.61 23.82 18.72 49.63 44.16 61.14 57.38 82.98 80.52 22.48 17.18 10